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COX Technic
What is COX Technic? 

Cox® Technic is a spinal manipulation that relieves back pain, leg pain, neck pain, arm pain, and a host of other spinal related conditions such as: disc herniation, spinal stenosis, post-surgical continued pain, and pregnancy related back pain. Cox® Technic’s developer, Dr. James M. Cox, has insisted for nearly 50 years on research and documenting the science of this non-surgical approach to back pain relief and alternative to back surgery in the hands of well-trained back specialists.

Evidence-based Protocols are tested in laboratory trials and clinical trials supported by privately funded, clinician-volunteer, and Federally Funded Research grants through the United States National Institutes for Health (NIH) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to name a few. Their objectives are to document the actual effect Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression, has on the spine and its nerves to relieve pain, (drops pressure) as well as the amount of time in days, (29 average) and visits, (12 average) it takes to relieve pain.

These protocols are well-defined in medically published Textbooks and peer-reviewed Journal Articles for physicians to study and scrutinize. The proper application of cox technique chiropractors, even the amount of force, is taught in recognized postgraduate and graduate training Seminars and Hands-on Workshops on the specifically designed Cox® Table by Haven Innovation. Physicians Certified in Cox® Technic are listed in a Referral Directory so patients and healthcare providers may refer with confidence.

Patients seeking relief of their lower back pain and neck pain can rest easy knowing that Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction Protocols are safe, gentle, and well-documented to help them. We encourage you to seek help from our cox technique chiropractors if necessary!


For more information, contact us or visit

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